
Winter rice salad
Ingredients for 4 peoples:

Flora Bell’Insalata Rice, 120 g;
Chickpeas, 100 g;
Pumpkin, 150 g;
Eggplant, 1;
Walnuts, 20 g;
Taggiasca olives, 1 tbsp;
Pickled capers, 1 tsp;
Rosemary, 1 sprig;
Sage, 2 leaves;
Garlic, 1 clove;
Salt, to taste;
Pepper, to taste;
Olive oil, to taste.

are you missing any ingredients?
you can replace with:

You don’t have all the ingredients? you can replace them:

  • Pumpkin and eggplant with your favorite winter vegetables: brussels sprouts, broccoli, radicchio, etc.
  • You can replace walnuts with almonds or pine nuts.


Cook the rice in boiling salted water following the cooking time indicated on the package.
Cut eggplant and pumpkin into cubes, then season with chopped herbs, garlic, salt, pepper, and evo oil.
Add the chickpeas as well and bake in a static oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes.
Pour the now cooked and warm rice into a large bowl, add the cooked vegetables, pan-roasted and chopped walnuts, taggiasca olives, and capers.
Season with salt and pepper, serve warm or cold.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Servings size: For 2 people
Collaboration: Flora Rice
Cost: Low

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